Tuesday at Fairport Harbor, we set out to swim the .4 miles to the breakwall and back. Plenty of kayaks and even a ski-doo!! So, the whole gang zipped out to the wall... And the rains came real hard. Pellets. We headed back to shore. One swimmer glanced back and realized there were some "WATER SPOUTS!!!!. Holy h20!!! Plus some thunder in the distance. So we hustled back.. Ski-Doo hauled me the final 50 yards and the heavens opened. So much for a longer swim. Thats cool. No problem. I had to race to Berea and do a story on what Browns fans can bring to Browns camp, and The Bride was returning from a little trip to see her sister down south.
Thursday, my son Pat and I swam at Wildwood with Brandon H. The lake was spitting us out like a wash cycle but it was invigorating. Later, we headed to North Chagrin for a strong 1 hour run. Pat was feeling the effects (Rocketpants, and Matt C., you'll like this) of a Cross-fit workout he did in Houston. But he loosened up. I have to struggle to keep up with him.
Friday, a long, hard 2 hour bike ride to North Chagrin. Rode the steep hill out of the lower section a couple times....was really cranking.
Also, on Friday, I was sent this picture.
Raced Fairport Harbor this morning. 500 meter swim. 13 mile bike, 3 mile run. It also added a kayak option instead of swim. Its a longtime sprint tri with very good support and a super nice price. 20 bucks pre-race..25 on race day. Beat that!!!! Saw Matt C. and Jen C. Saw Betty, who is an ultra runner and was doing the bike portion. Met Sam and Joe of Shaker, who just finished Ironman Lake Placid. "Way to go!!! Eddie Police raced and did very well. The Maruts cleaned up as usual. Lots of strong racers and a tremendous turnout..Close to 300!!!
This was a very strong effort on my part for the second week in a row. The swim was a real brawl for the first 80 yards, but worked its way out before long. Don't know how I placed. When I find out, I will update and also, a friend shot a couple pics and I will post them. I am really feeling better on the bike and as Bigun says...its alllll about the bike!!! I did not use a wetsuit for the second straight week. Transitions were very tight and I didn't need much time to get somewhat fresh legs on the run. I saw Joe Rodriguez, longtime racer and former high school swim coach on the run course and caught him about a mile or so in..and then finished strong the last mile. Total time was 1:17:55. Not sure on placing but we will see. My son, Pat raced as well.... 1:13:00....I don't think I will ever be able to take him!!!
Of course, no triathlon race goes un-rewarded. Pat raced to the store and bought the fixings, and I made ..ohh...about 10 pieces of French Toast. Nothing beat French Toast and Log Cabin syrup. The Bride even had a piece or two. Now, its 10:30pm and I go on the air in a short bit. Its been a long day, but a good one.. This coming week will be even better.
Life's a Blast.