Wednesday, September 2, 2009


This whole barefoot running thing is gaining momentum. No, the whole world is not ditching the 150 dollar shoes, but more and more people are questioning the need to run with such highly cushioned shoes. It seems to me..the more cushion on the shoe, the more force you bring down on the ground with each strike.....

I resolve to spend 10 minutes twice a week, running barefoot to strengthen my feet and to always go shoeless in the house....even in winter...

But don't take my word for it..... The New York Times had a recent piece on the whole thing... Here is the link.

Meanwhile, my training is getting more and more hour runs.,I have no ill effects from the 50 mile ultra I did in June...full speed ahead. I am going to run a 100 mile ultra marathon next year....I am leaning toward Burning River in August. My goal this month is to get a 3 hour run in as I will start to pile on the miles. Game on people. Game on.!!!

Shoutout to one of my favorite bloggers-triathletes. DC Rainmaker who pr'd at Ironman Canada. Expect to see him in Kona oneday. I gare--own-teee it.

Life's a Blast


Marci said...

Barefoot running and a 100 miler next year... you rock JT :)

Wes said...

That's a great idea. I'm itching to get my hands on some of these.

Trishie said...

100 miler... I don't doubt it. I've heard a lot about the barefoot running movement (pun intended) and am thinking about it... after IM, of course.

Donald said...

Dude! You're getting to be my kind of crazy now - I love it!!

Good luck with the ultra training, and START EASY with the barefoot stuff. I'm excited to hear how this all turns out for you.

Rainmaker said...

Wow, thanks JT for the shoutout - I appreciate it!

Eric said...

Sounds good JT. Count me in as support for the 100 miler. I'll run with you anytime.

triguyjt said...

eric...thanks a million

rainmaker...I really believe you will earn a spot at kona..keep it up... look buff in that profile pic...your skeering me!!!